The Centre
Verticale is an artist-run centre that contributes to the development of contemporary art.
It provides professional and emerging artists with space for the creation and presentation of art projects, promotes community life and public forums.
VCA welcomes a diversity of contemporary art practices and promotes work that crosses disciplinary boundaries.
VCA provides art professionals from Laval and Québec opportunities to develop their creative practice within an exceptional setting by occupying specific sites in critical or poetic ways.
VCA seeks to bring together visual artists to form a strong, diversified program of exhibitions and activities that are accessible to the greater Laval public, both within dedicated art spaces and other public sites across Laval.
VCA seeks to promote contemporary art in a spirit that reflects the diversity of Laval, with its myriad standings, and that contributes to forging the city’s cultural identity.
Board of Directors
David Beauchamp
With an MA in art history from Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), David Beauchamp is a manager and strategic advisor in the Montreal cultural and philanthropic sectors. He has published articles in ETC and Inter art actuel, and is actively involved in community and cultural organizations such as la Maison du développement durable (MDD) and Carrefour jeunesse-emploi Montréal centre-ville (CJE). Beauchamp has also worked for the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts Foundation, and is currently senior manager for the community/humanitarian organization Mission inclusion.
Stéphanie Lagueux
Media artist Stéphanie Lagueux works collaboratively with Jonathan L’Ecuyer to create interactive and participatory experiences in public spaces. With a BFA in art and design from Université du Québec en Outaouais (1998), she began her practice in the region’s artist-run centres, and went on to complete a certificate in education. Now based in Terrebonne, Lagueux is involved in local cultural development, particularly as part of Art Partage, and focuses on creating connections and making digital art more accessible in partnership with various organizations and communities. Since 2002, she has worked as outreach, archives and networks coordinator at Studio XX, and serves on the board of directors of Artenso, Centre for research and innovation in art and social engagement.
Janick Burn
Originally from the Outaouais/Anishinabewaki, Janick Burn has been based in Montréal/Tio’tia:ké for several years. In 2019, she completed an MFA in visual and media arts at UQAM, and is now involved in various artistic projects (creating, curating, organizing), often in collaboration. Her practical and theoretical research focuses on the relationship between the body and the frame, which she approaches reflexively via performance and image-making.
Stéphanie Nuckle
Stéphanie Nuckle is an interdisciplinary artist who brings together performance, installation, photo, drawing, and printmaking. Originally from Laval, her reflections focus on the development of both bedroom communities and large cities, touching on ecological, urbanistic, and social issues. With a BFA from UQAM (2015), Nuckle has been involved in numerous collaborations, exhibitions and residencies all over Québec. She has also been a member of the Local 16 art collective since 2016.
François Rioux
Whether on a skidoo or in high heels, for François Rioux, switching between mediums such as performance, sculpture, drawing, photo or video is a way of playing with codes, and creating a space of freedom among them. With a BFA from UQAM, François organized a performance micro-residency in Baie-Comeau in 2016, was involved in VIVA! Art action in 2017, and has been part of the ad hoc collective Faute de moyens since 2019.
Catherine Aboumrad
Catherine Aboumrad was born in Montreal in 1984. She holds a Bachelors degree in fine arts, with distinction, from Concordia University. In addition to working on photographic projects, she teaches at the collegiate level. She has participated in numerous exhibitions and events in Canada and abroad, including in Guatephoto, Guatemala’s contemporary photography festival, and Parcours Photo Sherbrooke, in collaboration with the Musée des beaux-arts de Sherbrooke. Her work is part of private collections, including the HBC Foundation, Art-in-Buildings’ collection in New York, and the Auer collection in Switzerland.
Marie-Ève Leclerc-Parker
With an MA in art history from Université du Québec à Montréal, Marie-Ève Leclerc-Parker is an author and cultural worker. She was previously assistant director at Regroupement d’organismes culturels et d’artistes lavallois (ROCAL) and is now communications coordinator at the journal Vie des arts.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is a standing committee that develops recommendations for the financial control and development of the centre’s financial resources. It includes the treasurer, the director, the administrative coordinator, one or two additional members and, ex officio, the board’s president.
Membership Committee
The membership committee is a standing committee that draws up recommendations for the centre’s community-based activities aimed at increasing the centre’s membership and promoting greater participation in the organization’s activities. It is chaired by a member of the board of directors and includes the director, the programming coordinator, three additional members and, ex officio, the board’s president.
Projects Committee
The Projects Committee is a standing committee that receives specific mandates on an ad hoc basis, and develops recommendations related to the centre’s organizational issues, programming and / or other public activities. The ad hoc mandates this committee receives are at the request of the board of directors. These may include the organization of events, the development of projects, the formulation of policies relating to public activities, among others. It is chaired by a member of the board of directors, and includes the director, the programming coordinator, two to four additional members and, ex officio, the board’s president.
Human Resources Committee
The Human Resources Committee is a standing committee that reports on the Centre’s human resources. It is responsible for interviewing, hiring, evaluating and, if required, terminating the contracts of the Centre’s employees. It also reports on any other issue directly related to staffing. The committee includes a member in charge of work relations, a member of the board of directors who chairs the committee, the director and, ex officio, the board’s president.
Relocation Committee
The Relocation Committee is a temporary committee that is mandated to make recommendations for the Centre’s relocation to permanent facilities and artistic programming strategies for its interim location. It is chaired by a member of the board of directors and includes the director, the programming coordinator, one to three additional members and, ex officio, the president.
The Horizontal Committee
The Horizontal Committee is an ad hoc committee tasked with developing anti-oppression strategies in order to make VCA more inclusive, both in its programming and operations. It is made up of a board-appointed representative, an unlimited number of members, invited individuals, the director and, ex officio, the president.
The board’s bylaws are available to all members upon request. Please contact us to receive a copy.
Verticale — centre d’artistes (VCA) is a non-profit organization founded in 1991 by the Société des arts visuels de Laval, a group of artists incorporated in 1987 who undertook the task of establishing an artist-run centre with the aim of supporting the artistic profession in Laval and contributing to the development of contemporary art. In 2012, members changed the name of the organization (previously Galerie Verticale) to Verticale — centre d’artistes, which was seen as more representative of the nature of their activities. Since 2010, VCA has been in the process of relocating. During this transition to a more durable abode, VCA continues to fulfill its regional and national mandate, offering Laval residents and others, both new and seasoned art lovers, accessible programming in a variety of sites across Île-Jésus. These take place most often off-site, beyond the walls of typical art venues, placing art in unusual spaces, close to the everyday lives of citizens.
Establishment of the Société des arts visuels de Laval, June 18, 1987.
Opening of the first Galerie Verticale Art Contemporain (GVAC), at 1897 boulevard Dagenais Ouest. Inauguration October 9, 1991.
GVAC moves to a new address, 1871, boulevard Industriel. The new gallery is inaugurated September 1, 1994.
GVAC moves to the 2nd floor at 2080, boulevard des Laurentides. Much like at previous locations, there is a documentation centre and studio space available to members.
On July 1, the administrative offices are moved to 397, boulevard des Prairies Ouest. This marks the beginning of a process of relocation, transition and reflection regarding the Centre’s future.
A founding member of ROCAL (Regroupement d’organismes culturels et d’artistes lavallois), Verticale unites with other associations to establish a Centre for artistic creation in Laval and concretely engages in a collective capital project.
Verticale’s membership agrees to change the name of the organization to one that is more representative of its activities. It is known from then on as Verticale — centre d’artistes (VCA).
Villa — véhicule d’arts actuels et numériques is launched in the spring. Villa is the first mobile laboratory dedicated to digital creation in Laval, embodying the Centre’s nomadism.

Honorary members
On the day marking the Centre’s 30th anniversary, and in recognition of their involvement and impact on the organization’s development, the board of directors grants honorary-member status to the founding members of the Société des arts visuels de Laval and of Galerie Verticale, as well as to all members who have been involved with the organization for longer than 15 years.
Heliane Alonzo, Denise Bellerose, Henri Bensimon, Gabriel Bonmati, Gérald Brault, Umberto Bruni, Renée Chevalier, Stela Cosma, Arthur Côté, Carole Decary, Pierre Desrosiers, Ariane Dubois, Pierre M. Dupras, Serge Fablo Vendatour, Giuseppe Fiore, Pierre Gendron, Jacques Huet, Jean-Paul Ladouceur, Huguette Larochelle, Julie Lefebvre, Martial Lefebvre, Édith Martin, Albert Moyse, Christiane Patenaude, Louis Perron, Louise Prescott, Violaine Poirier, Yves-Marie Rajotte, George E. Russell, Juan Schneider, Albric Soly, Marcel Saint-Pierre, Gaëtan Therrien, Monic Thouin-Perrault, Paul Trifiro, Dominique Valade